School Choice Program
Milford Public School is pleased to announce their participation in the New Jersey Inter-District Public School Choice Program for the 2025-2026 school year. This program allows students outside of Milford Boro to increase their educational opportunities by having the option to choose Milford as their school district rather than their home district.
Any school-age resident of New Jersey may apply for the program. The State of NJ has created two tiers for enrollment into the School Choice Program for the 2025-2026 school year. Tier one is for students who are public school students who have attended their sending district for one year. These students must notify their resident district by the “Notice of Intent to Participate” form by November 25, 2024, and must file their application with Milford Public School by November 25, 2024. Tier two is for students who have not attended a public school in their sending district for one year, are attending a non-public school, or are applying to kindergarten and do not have a sibling already attending a Choice District. These tier two students may simply file their application to Milford Public School by November 25, 2024.
For more information on enrolling your child into the School Choice Program with Milford Public School, please see the links on the left hand side of the page, or visit the state Website
See Why Parents Choose Milford Public School
Milford Public School Programs
Student-Centered Learning
At Milford Public School, the approach to teaching and learning centers on the individual student. Students’ growth, academically and socially, is assessed on a continuum over time. The longitudinal data on each child enables the staff to tailor instruction for individual needs and creates a developmentally appropriate program for each and every child.
Positive Climate for both Students and Teachers
The best work is always accomplished when people are happy. Milford Public School is a place where the teachers and administrators love teaching, and students love learning. It is a small, tight-knit school where staff and students know each other and work together in a risk-free environment. New ideas are embraced, tested, and put to work for learning.
How is Milford delivering the best learning?
Literacy Assessment
Student's literacy development is constantly assessed and utilized to deliver individualized instruction. Throughout the year, students' reading level is assessed utilizing Fountas and Pinnell to help create strategy and reading groups. The classrooms are filled with a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts to help foster a love of reading in our students.
Technology for Education
Technology is a key tool for learning at MPS. For years, the school has been building technological resources. Grades K-5 have classroom sets of iPads for student use. The integration of technology is just another tool to help improve student engagement.
Application Process & Forms
Please visit the NJ State School Choice website for complete details and directions on completing the student application process. You can view the student application process at Website
For your convenience, the following are the required forms that you will need during your student application process. Please keep in mind that all forms need to adhere to the timelines specified. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact the main office at Milford Public School at 908-995-4349.
Notice of Intent to Participate (Due 11/25/2024)
Student Application (Due 11/25/2024)
Notice of Intent to Enroll (Due 1/9/2025)